Monday, June 25, 2012 5.3.1 released!

This release contains some tweaks to the Group Search feature, some usability optimizations, and some bug fixes

Monday, June 18, 2012

How to represent "Work Shifts" for Service Projects makes managing the resources, people and tools, you need to run service projects quite easy.

I was recently contacted by a leader who wanted to allow multiple families to signup for shifts for an upcoming service project (a setup shift, a serve shift, and a tear down shift). In addition, she wanted to allow those same families to sign up for multiple shifts. She asked how to best represent that in I replied: Quantity Signup Sheet Items. We discussed Quantity Signup Sheet Items briefly before, but let's show how to use Quantity Signup Sheet items for this example of work shifts.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Group Search iNquiry Attention Governor

The worst thing to happen to a potential group member is for them to submit an inquiry to a group, and hear nothing. No email, no phone call, no nothing. How demoralizing that would be, especially for those who are hesitant to join your groups as it is.

With the goal of not letting anyone slip through the cracks, the iNquiry Attention Governor was created.

Quite simply, the NAG system will escalate emails to Group and Organization leaders based on the recorded interaction with inquirers. There is one set of rules for inquiries which have been set to contacted, and another set of rules for inquiries which have not.

Custom Group Meta Data

Every Organization needs slightly different information from their small groups when advertizing their small groups to potential members. For a softball team, it may be open positions, or when they practice. For study groups, it could be normal meeting times, or what they are studying, or if childcare is provided.

Without this kind of meta data about the small group (meta data means data about the data, or data above the data), potential group members have incomplete information on which to base their group selection criteria. solves this challenge by allowing Organization leaders to set meta data about their organization. This is presented as a set of questions to each Group leader who answer those questions. These answers provide rich detail to potential group members when using the Group Search feature.